Tuesday, December 17, 2013

No Poo Update & Mathematician Records Updates

First of all, I would like to let everyone know how my No Poo experiment is going.

I am currently at Day 92 of No Poo. At Day 46 of No Poo, I switched over to Water Only, which will now be abbreviated to WO. I am now 46 days into WO washing, though I do wash my head every once in a while with ACV when the flakes get unbearable. I usually wash my hair every 6-8 days with WO, though I'm considering washing my hair every 5 days and see where that gets me.

In these last 46 days of WO, I've gone through yet another vigorous transition. Now that I'm not using anything but water and the seldom ACV rinse, my scalp had gone into overload in producing sebum.

Day 58 of No Poo, 12 days of WO, I thought my hair looked awesome until I looked at my hairline. So much sebum built up! It was awful, and I dealt with that for quite a bit... I have noticed, though, that in the last two weeks, I haven't had a crazy build up like that on my hairline, though it still gets itchy and flakey.

I started scritching and preening my hair, which is basically massaging with the balls of my fingers against my scalp to break up the build up and then preening is to spread those oils down the length of my hair. I don't do it as often as people generally suggest, but with the brushing of my paddle brush and my boar bristle brush (BBB), my hair is still relatively manageable.

Overall, my hair still isn't where I'd like it to be. Since I switched over to WO instead of the BS/ACV mix, my hair needs to go through probably another 40 days or so to get over switching to WO. But I will stay resilient and get through it, because I believe in low-maintenance, no-chemical hair! For now, I just keep my hair up most of the time except for the two days after I initially "wash" it, then it's up for a few days, then I wash it, it's down for a few days, then up again...etc.

Now, onto the next order of business: The Website. 

Stewart has been working diligently on releasing free EPs and CDs for our music artists on the page.

Our most recent releases are as follows: 
by Math Dealer

Möbius Strip
by Kaushik.Venkat

Great Spirit
by Shiva Om

Above and Beyond
by Etcetera

The projects we are currently working on are as follows: 
Evolute 1
by 10+ Mathematician Records label artists and producers

Math Dealer and BlessingJah Sound e.p.

Full CD albums from BlessingJah Sound, Etcetera, Shiva Om, Kaushik.Venkat

All music can be found by following the "Music Shop" and "Free Releases"

links on our homepage.

We are still open to new artists that would like to be apart of our label. If you have any inquiries at all please e-mail us at mathrecords@live.com. We are so excited for our new releases and future projects!  

The Fundraiser

Hello, everyone. I've got great news! We put up an official fundraising page via GoFundMe for the Full Moon Ranch!

This is our widget for the page here:


We're just trying any way we can to raise money to finish paying off the land and to help us get started. Most of the funds will be going towards that and drilling the well on our property, then the rest goes for building our home and starting up the garden. We're really pumped to get this started and we need your help and support! If you could please share our page through your social networks, e-mails, what-have-you, we would be eternally grateful. Any help is better than no help at all.

Our goal right now is at $5,000 and we have yet to receive a GoFundMe donation, but it's only been up for a day so we won't lose heart! Thank you for keeping up with our blog and supporting us!